
Please check your child's take home folder every night. Thank you!

Every night your child should be reading 10-20 minutes for reading homework. Please note, this can look different (parent reading, shared reading, independent reading).
Spelling homework will usually come home on Wednesdays and will be due on Friday.
There will be math homelinks to complete most days. These homelinks are concepts we have learned in class. However, not all homelinks are secure and some concepts are at an introductory level. Also, there will be Discovery Math sent out every Friday and your child has the option to turn it in by the following Friday.

There are also times when homework is related to our units of study or other literacy-based concepts.

Please note that homelinks/spelling/etc. should not take more than 10-15 minutes and it should be a positive experience. Please contact me if there are concerns or questions regarding homework. Thank you for working together to support positive homework habits.